Saturday, 27 September 2014

Not your average "tv knitting", or how to rip more than you knit

So I"m just started on the back chart of Amanda, my sweater for #fringeandfriendsknitalong.  I've also just started watching the tv series Outlander on Showcase.  I've read the books, and love the first one in particular.  Knitting while watching tv is how I spend most evenings. 
I have discovered, however, that chart reading and intricate patterns don't necessarily go with this series.  I'm watching too closely, instead of listening with my eyes on the knitting (easy to do when watching with the kids - "Air Bud" just isn't as compelling!).   I've made a mistake inside the diamond on the right back, but won't rip back as no one but me will notice a purl instead of a knit on one row.  I also made a mistake with a honeycomb, went the wrong direction and didn't notice til 4 rows later...

I may have to find a video on how to fix a cable without ripping back.  Not sure.  My mom always says "a man on a gallopping horse wouldn't notice" so I may revert to this advice.  I admit that the glass or two of red didn't help either!


1 comment:

  1. I can so relate. Some nights I knit for that extra half hour when I am clearly too tired, and yes, end up frogging more than I knit. We laugh at knit night that because of all the conversations we are having the only fool proof knitting is garter, or stockinette, and maybe, if we really concentrate, ribbing.
